Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Online dating

I think I have mentioned that I joined the online dating world. What was I hoping to gain from it? A date or two, who knows. We are now going on week 3 of being on it and week 3 of emailing with a guy. Long emails too. Like multiple paragraph ones, like 9 paragraph ones. Have I met him? Nope. Have we gone on a date? Nope. Am I losing my patience? Yep. I have spoken about this dilemma to a few people. The overwhelming response was that I needed to ask him out. But I am an old fashioned kind of girl I protested. Well let's be honest, being old fashioned isn't going to get me a date. EF reminded me that she asked her now husband out first.

After some careful consideration and debating, I have come up with what I deem to be a good middle group. Upon his response to my last email I am going to say something along the lines of "Let me know if you ever want to meet up". That way I don't have to do the planning or direct asking but have given him the loud and clear message that I would like to meet him and not continue to have just an email pen pal relationship. If he can't pick up on that message and ask me to do something I am not sure he will be the kind of man for me.

I guess my mentioning free time I had on my schedule was not obvious enough that I wanted to meet him out in the real world. Let's see how this one goes.

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